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We’re delighted to share that Varrlyn has earned a Gold rating in Consultancy.nl’s 2024 rankings of the top banking consultancy firms in the Netherlands.
Abhisek Sahu and Bhavesh Karnani joined Varrlyn in the spring of 2024. Reflecting on their first six months with the firm, they tell Consultancy Europe about their work as consultants on strategic projects with an international bank.
As products and systems are being introduced and upgraded at an ever-quicker pace, the importance of thoroughly testing the technological changes before go-live is increasingly at the forefront of IT agendas.
We’re excited to announce that Varrlyn has been awarded the EcoVadis Committed Badge 2024! This esteemed recognition highlights our unwavering commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.
Organizations can uncover great value in harnessing AI for a variety of use cases in finance and risk. A discussion with Varrlyn experts Stephan van der Windt and Senior Business Analyst Brian Mudhara on what value can be extracted and what is needed to make it happen.
The role of data as a driver of ESG transformation within banking is unmistakable. Philip van den Emster, director at Varrlyn, outlines how the daily headache that comes with ESG data can be turned into a manageable strategic advantage.
Varrlyn caught up with the Dutch Murex community in Amsterdam last week.
In this podcast episode on Test Automation in financial markets, Varrlyn's Charlene Venter and Philip van den Emster explore the critical role of test automation in ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and compliance for financial institutions.
AI in Finance & Risk is transforming the financial sector. In this podcast, Cherien van Ampt interviews Brian Mudhara and Stephan van der Windt to explore how AI is unlocking new opportunities, optimising efficiency, and enhancing risk management in financial institutions.
In the role of talent & operations manager, Vanessa helps Varrlyn to find the right talent for the most important projects of its clients. We spoke with her about the key factors in finding the right candidates and how she helps ensure Varrlyn’s operations are structured to set them up for success.
Last week our director Martin Defauwes attended the official launch party of Currence iDEAL B.V. We are proud to have contributed to the implementation of the new iDEAL by Currence.
While the shift to responsible investment to support ESG strategies has been on the rise for some time now, there are a number of significant challenges in the transition, including obstacles to Responsible Investing and outdated systems for Proxy Voting.
Varrlyn has strengthened its senior team with Jonathan Nelson, an expert in the area of corporate governance, ESG, and sustainable finance.
In the two and a half years at Varrlyn, Viraj Mehta has worked on projects with some of the top financial sector players in the Netherlands. Speaking to Consultancy.org, he explains the personal and professional growth he has enjoyed along the way.
Dilip Kumar Chandrasekaran has worked on projects with some of the top brands in the financial services sector. He spoke to Consultancy.org about his first twelve months at Varrlyn and how he helps clients deal with the risks of a growing regulatory burden.
Brian Mudhara and Navendu Vimal joined Varrlyn in the first half of 2023. Both arrived with significant experience in the banking sector, but were also looking for a fresh start in a different line of work. We sat down to find out how their time at Varrlyn has so far helped them lift their carreers.
The central theme for discussion was the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This innovative directive aims to modernize andenhance regulations related to the social and environmental information that companies must report.
This summer we have been working on an ESG certification from EcoVadis. EcoVadis helps companies manage ESG risk and compliance, meet corporate sustainability goals, and drive impact at scale by guiding the sustainability performance improvement of a company and the value chain.
One of the most important things many professionals look for in their work, is something which challenges them to grow. Charlene Venter and Bishnu Panda sat with Consultancy.org to speak about how their time at consulting Varrlyn has helped them develop their careers.
In deze podcast bespreken Marianne Aalders en Martin Defauwes een zeer actueel onderwerp, namelijk het nieuwe pensioenstelsel. Wat gaat er veranderen? Wat blijft er hetzelfde? Welke impact gaat het hebben op de pensioenfondsen en -beheerders? Ze bespreken ook waar Varrlyn eventueel bij kan helpen.
In this podcast Cherien van Ampt (Varrlyn), Boris Francioli and Jos lemmens discuss the status quo of SFDR it’s knock-on effect on Biodiversity Investments (private vs public equity), the role of data and the significance of the value chain for investment/fiduciary and risk managers.
Varrlyn's 13th Anniversary party was a great gathering with a mixture of guests. For the first time it was held in the amazing gallery AbrahamArt in the Nieuwe Spiegelstraat in Amsterdam.
De aandacht onder asset managers voor ESG-beleggen neemt de komende jaren fors toe. Wat drijft de groei van de sector? En tegen welke uitdagingen lopen asset managers aan? Cherien van Ampt van financial services consultant Varrlyn schijnt haar licht op deze en andere vragen rond ESG-beleggen.
In mid-2022, Tushar Varghese joined Varrlyn, having exited the consulting industry five years before. Tushar tells Consultancy.eu what motivated his return to the consultancy world, and what he hopes to achieve this time around.
On Thursday 3 November 2022 Varrlyn hosted it's annual Round Table. It was an honour to host representatives from leading financial institutions that utilize Murex in the Netherlands. The diverse crowd of attendees brought a unique blend of IT and business perspectives to our table.
De bankwereld is de laatste jaren nog verder gedigitaliseerd. De maatschappij verandert steeds sneller en daar moet ook de banksector op in spelen. In deze Podcast bespreken Cherien van Ampt en Martin Defauwes met Philip van den Emster het thema Digital.
Due to its diverse nature and the chance of working on high impact change, the consulting sector is a favoured space for professionals. Damla and Raghu spoke to Consultancy.eu about their experiences and how their digital projects at a large bank is enabling them to advance their career.
Varrlyn viert zijn 12-jarig bestaan. Ter ere van het jubileum mocht het bureau de Amsterdamse beurs openen met de gongceremonie.
De grote kredietcrisis van 2008 ligt alweer even achter ons. Hoe bereiden we ons beter voor op een potentiële volgende bankencrisis? In de eerste Podcast bespreken Cherien van Ampt en Martin Defauwes met Stephan van der Windt het thema Finance & Risk, een belangrijke pijler in de bancaire wereld.
As it prepares for new sustainability-focused guidelines in its industry, a leading asset manager in the Netherlands has tapped Varrlyn and 4ESG Consulting for support. Combining regulatory expertise, industry knowledge and an established track record, they played a key role in the transition.
Banks have faced an incessant tidal wave of new regulations over the past decade, largely designed to prevent a second credit crisis. To comply, it is of great importance to bring together the traditionally separate worlds of finance and risk – a task that is easier said than done.
UnaVista has admitted a new consulting firm into its Consulting Partner Programme, welcoming Varrlyn as its first partner in the Benelux.
The nearing deadline for phasing out the existing interbank offered rates means big changes to financial services – but few institutions are fully prepared, says Stephan van der Windt, a partner at consultancy firm Varrlyn.
Professionals Shelin Krishnan and Bart van der Kroft recently completed the Varrlyn Investment Banking Success Programme – a training module designed to enhance investment banking expertise. Consultancy.org spoke to both professionals for insights on their training experience.
Varrlyn bestaat tien jaar. Tijd voor een feestje zou je zeggen, maar dat zit er momenteel natuurlijk even niet in. Om het mooie jubileum niet geheel ongemerkt voorbij te laten gaan, blikken we terug én vooruit met medeoprichter Martin Defauwes en business developer Cherien van Ampt.
Varrlyn is a Netherlands-based consulting firm specialising in capital markets. Company co-founder Stephan van der Windt and Sathya Chandrasekaran – who has been with the consultancy for over eight years now – spoke to Consultancy.eu about what life is like at the firm.
Varrlyn, a Netherlands based consulting firm, has qualified as a Murex partner. With the endorsement, the company is seeking to further expand its Murex consultancy footprint in the Benelux financial services industry.
Financiële sector-adviseur Varrlyn heeft de handen ineengeslagen met Orange Peak Company, een specialist in managementinformatiesystemen. Samen gaan de twee bedrijven spelers binnen de financiële sector innovatieve oplossingen bieden op het gebied van big data en financiële rapportage.
Op dinsdag 20 juni vindt in de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht het jaarlijkse Compliance & Risk Congres plaats, waar de belangrijkste spelers uit het risk & compliance domein bijeenkomen om nieuwe inzichten op te doen en kennis te delen. Philip van den Emster, Partner bij adviesbureau Varrlyn, zal een rondetaf
In 2010 werd consultancybureau Varrlyn een feit. Terwijl de meeste start-ups en niche adviesbureaus veel last ondervonden van de crisis, groeide Varrlyn gestaag, telt het 15 adviseurs en bestaat het dit jaar alweer 5 jaar. Reden voor Consultancy.nl om in gesprek te gaan met Cherien van Ampt.
Merrlyn, een specialist op het gebied van business en IT-implementaties binnen de financial markets sector, heeft een rebranding doorgevoerd. Per vandaag gaat het Amsterdamse bureau verder onder de naam Varrlyn. De opmerkelijke wijziging in de bedrijfsnaam komt niet vrijwillig.
In 2010, midden in de crisis, besloten drie adviseurs van Accenture om een gewaagde stap te zetten. Geheel tegen de stroom in besloten Marlijn Boerma, Martin Defauwes en Stephan van der Windt het internationale adviesbureau te verlaten om op eigen benen te gaan staan.
Drie alumni van Accenture (Marlijn Boerma, Martin Defauwes en Stephan van der Windt) hebben begin deze maand een nieuw consultancybedrijf opgericht: Merrlyn. Het niche adviesbureau gaat project-gerelateerde diensten aanbieden binnen het Financial Services domein.